If an initial hearing screening indicates a possible hearing loss, make an appointment at one of Peninsula Hearing’s convenient locations for complete diagnostic audiologic testing. You’ll receive an expert evaluation that will identify any hearing loss. We use state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment and procedures to identify the type and degree of hearing loss and recommend treatments that keep you connected.
Diagnostic audiologic evaluation
Do you suspect you have hearing loss? Find out for sure. We can detect hearing loss, determine the type of hearing loss and evaluate the condition of your ears. Hearing loss can be conductive (middle or outer ear problem) or sensorineural (inner ear problem or problems with processing by the brain). Testing will determine the softest sound you can hear at different frequencies, at what levels you can hear and recognize speech and how well your ears are functioning. We can test people of all ages, from children 6 months of age and older. If the evaluation indicates that hearing aids will help you hear better, we will discuss the many options available to you.
Live speech mapping
Advances in technology have made programming and adjusting hearing aids better than ever. As part of the hearing aid fitting process, we use live speech mapping to fine-tune the quality of sound delivered by your hearing aids. We encourage you to bring a friend or family member along, so you can gauge how well you hear live voices. A small microphone is placed in the ear canal and then your new hearing aids will be inserted. The audiologist will use software and a computer screen to see speech exactly as you hear it. You’ll leave your fitting confident that your hearing aids are programmed and adjusted to hear the most important sounds of all – the voices of people you love. Live speech mapping is just another way Peninsula Hearing keeps you connected.
Industrial hearing testing
Sensorineural hearing loss is a real danger posed by working in a noisy environment. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has developed requirements and regulations to standardize hearing safety practices and prevent hearing loss on the job. Peninsula Hearing can help you comply by performing hearing evaluations, maintaining records and providing basic employee training and education in fitting and wearing hearing protection devices. Failure to comply is dangerous and expensive. Don’t risk your hearing health or financial loss. Contact Peninsula Hearing today.